
Monday, September 2, 2019

Mt Ruapehu Camp Pt 2

Hi there bloggers!
Welcome back to Mt Ruapehu Camp Pt 2!
In my last blog I told you that I was going on camp soon. Well...
We went and had a AWESOME time! Butttttt that was after the 9 and a half hour drive.
We had to get to school at 7:30 that day to catch the bus.
The bus was possibly the most boring time ever, looking out the window hoping for a glimpse of the mountain indicating that you were close. Or maybe the next toilet stop!
When we got there it felt like someone had opened a door, we could finally relax!
Then we found out we still had 5 hours drive ahead of us and we had only just reached Hamilton! Even if we were just stopping at least it was in the Hamilton Gardens!
The Gardens were really really beautiful and we spent a hour exploring the gardens and having morning tea before getting back on the bus for another 5 hours of sitting on a bus 

At Camp!

That was the sound that our bus made when we finally pulled into accommodation!
Dinner was delicious!
We all unpacked and went to bed, happily anticipating the next day. I was finally going to go skiing! Ughhhh 6:00 wake up call, that might be easy for some of you but for me that's like mission impossible! We had to put on our ski gear and hurry off to breakfast before hopping on the bus, finally on the way to Mt Ruapehu!


As we drove up the mountain little flecks of white were beginning to appear on the road side. Snow was appearing! We got off the bus and hurried to rent our ski gear before going over to lessons. We had 2 options, we could either ski or snowboard. I chose skiing as snowboarding was meant to be quite a bit harder!
I had a bit of trouble getting on to my feet at the start but I learnt fast and was soon speeding down the mountain. In case you didn't know Happy Valley (The Beginners ski slope) has a chairlift to get back up to the top. It was fun feeling your feet lift off the ground as you sat on the chair! The only bad thing was how heavy the ski boots were! If you know who Ironman is imagine wearing his boots. They were that heavy!
Overall we had a great time and got to try out so many new things!

If you are a year 3 or 4 and you have the chance to go on camp in the future, PACK YOUR BAGS AND GET GOING! Camp is a fun experience where you learn lots of new things and make new friends!
Here are some awesome photos:

Blog ya later!

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