
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SLJ Activity 2

Hey bloggers!
For this weeks activity we have to talk about our cultural background, where we came from, where our parents came from and even where our grandparents came from!
Today our activity is based on Kupe, thought to be the first explorer to discover NZ using traditional Polynesian sailing techniques.  
Other legends say he followed a octopus to NZ before destroying it in the cook strait.

Then there was the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman that said he discovered NZ even though the Maori all ready lived there.
For this activity we would like you to think about your own experiences and your own cultural background. Where does your family come from? Do they come from Europe like Abel Tasman, Polynesia like Kupe, or somewhere else?
On your blog, please tell us about your cultural background. Where do you and your family come from?

Half of my family comes from Asia and the other half are Kiwi's.
I have a Mum a Dad a Sister and a cat. My Mum's side are all Asian. We come from Malaysia, a country that sits just under Thailand and Cambodia. My grandparents both went to Malaysia because of food shortages and other crisis's. My grandparents live in Ipoh ( pronounced e - po ), in the same house my Mum grew up in!

Now over to my Dad. My Dad was born in NZ, he grew up in a place a couple hundred Km north of Auckland called Kaio. He traveled the world a bit and lived in England and Japan for a while. His parents have moved down south another 400 km or so to a place called Kawerau 58km east of Rotorua.
I like to associate myself with the Asian side of my family but I still think that I am a Kiwi!
Blog ya later! 

SLJ The Real WK1

Hey there bloggers!
Now all the SLJ tasks I have been doing recently were all just teasers, just to get us warmed up.
Today (16th of December) the real SLJ starts!
Day 1's activity is based on explorers.
Mainly based on a explorer named Nainoa Thompson.
In 2013 Nainoa led a crew across the Pacific Ocean in 2 large canoes.

For this activity, make a list of ten food items that you could take with you. Please think carefully about what you will take as you won’t have access to a refrigerator or freezer while at sea. Please explain why you would select each item.
On your blog, post your list of 10 food items you would take on an ocean voyage and the reasons why you chose these items.
if I was on the canoe I would bring food that doesn't go off easily, food liked canned bake beans (With a can opener!). I would also bring lots of fruit and vege as that doesn't go off as fast as meat and other raw foods. I would bring a big metal pot to make a fire in and a smaller metal pot to go into the metal pot. Then I would bring a large amount of cut up fish...
Now here is the master plan. As well as all that food I would bring a fishing rod, and using the cut up fish as bait I would catch fish to cook or eat raw (Credit to for the idea). That way I would have a infinite food resource.
Here is everything in a list:
1. Canned bake beans as you can eat them with out any cooking.
2. Canned Spaghetti as that can also be eaten without any cooking.
3. Nuts like cashews and pistachios that can be eaten easily.
4. Fruit that doesn't bruise easily like apples and oranges.
5. Bait and a fishing rod, if it really comes down to it i'll eat the bait.
6. Vegetables like carrots and corn as you can eat them raw.
7. Candy and lollies just to keep me going when the journey gets boring.
8. Bread in an airtight container so it doesn't go stale.
9. Honey, Jam, Butter and all that other good stuff.
10. Water because it's a essential and no matter what foods you bring your gonna die without water.

Blog ya later!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

SLJ Teaser Task 2

Welcome back bloggers!
You may have started the Summer Learning Journey already.
If so good luck!

For this weeks activity we had to read about Taika Waititi, a NZ comedian, filmmaker and director. He also played Korg (The Rock Guy) in Thor Ragnarok. 
He sometimes introduces himself using a pepeha so this week we have made a pepeha.

For this activity, we would like to create your own pepeha. You can write the pepeha in any language that you wish. If you need some help, please visit this pepeha website or use this template.

My pepeha is in Maori

Ko New zealand ahau / Country
Ko Mt Roskill toku maunga / Mountain
Ko Pacific ocean toku moana / Ocean
Ko Auckland toku kainga / City
Ko Darcey-rose taku tuahine / Sister
Ko Ian raua ko oku Pong Koo koro / Grandfather
Ko Ruth Raua ko oku Alice kuia / Grandmother
Ko Rob toku papa / Dad
Ko Karpo toku mama / Mum
Ko Toby toku ingoa / Me
Tena Kotou Tena Kotou Tena Kotou Katoa

Blog ya later!

SLJ Teaser Week!

Hi there bloggers!
The year is about to end and you know what that means...
Errr well no but it does mean something else!
Some of you may remember the Summer Learning Journey (SLJ)
from last year, you might have even participated in it!
Well today a lady named Megan came to the school. She refreshed our minds on what the summer learning journey is and showed us some of the prizes we could earn by doing blogs. These included bags, blue tooth speakers, headphones and the grand prize...
A tablet!
 So how do you earn these prizes?
There are lots of activities you can do to earn points from writing you opinion on Donald Trump's wall to looking at new technology!

The SLJ site says...
For this activity, let’s imagine that Donald Trump called you up and asked for your opinion on this controversial issue.
On your blog, please tell us what you think about his plan to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why do you think so?

 I think that it is a rather bad idea to build a wall between Mexico and the USA as there are a lot of immigrants that need to get there or there is a very likely chance they will die of disease or other causes.
Also if Donald called me I would probably hang up.
Lots of people would die and Donald Trump doesn't even care, in fact he expects Mexico to pay for the wall!
Why would Mexico pay for the wall if Donald is the one turning away its immigrants?
Immigrant control is one thing but building a flipping wall between two countries is ridiculous! I think that all the immigrants should have a chance to go live in America and even if they get turned away they should at least go to other countries with help from the American Government.
That way the world would be a better place.
If Donald Trump cleaned up his act that would be even better!

If you would like to see my friend Noah's opinion on this here is a link: 

Wall ya later!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas Mufti Pt 2

Hey there bloggers!
Last Christmas we had a Christmas mufti day to fund raise for our schools Christmas hampers which will go to family's that need them. We all had to dress up in something Christmas related and bring a gold coin to school. I wore some antlers and an reindeer headband, along with a red shirt.
Some people have really imaginative costumes and my friend's brother was in a present!
We had assembly together, which is one of the best times for photos when everyone is grouped together in a big red and green explosion!
We did Jump Jam together and my house (I explained our house groups in my athletics post - My house is Kea) won 100 house points for good dancing.
Here is my costume along with some of my classmates:

Blog ya later!