
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

SLJ Teaser Week!

Hi there bloggers!
The year is about to end and you know what that means...
Errr well no but it does mean something else!
Some of you may remember the Summer Learning Journey (SLJ)
from last year, you might have even participated in it!
Well today a lady named Megan came to the school. She refreshed our minds on what the summer learning journey is and showed us some of the prizes we could earn by doing blogs. These included bags, blue tooth speakers, headphones and the grand prize...
A tablet!
 So how do you earn these prizes?
There are lots of activities you can do to earn points from writing you opinion on Donald Trump's wall to looking at new technology!

The SLJ site says...
For this activity, let’s imagine that Donald Trump called you up and asked for your opinion on this controversial issue.
On your blog, please tell us what you think about his plan to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why do you think so?

 I think that it is a rather bad idea to build a wall between Mexico and the USA as there are a lot of immigrants that need to get there or there is a very likely chance they will die of disease or other causes.
Also if Donald called me I would probably hang up.
Lots of people would die and Donald Trump doesn't even care, in fact he expects Mexico to pay for the wall!
Why would Mexico pay for the wall if Donald is the one turning away its immigrants?
Immigrant control is one thing but building a flipping wall between two countries is ridiculous! I think that all the immigrants should have a chance to go live in America and even if they get turned away they should at least go to other countries with help from the American Government.
That way the world would be a better place.
If Donald Trump cleaned up his act that would be even better!

If you would like to see my friend Noah's opinion on this here is a link: 

Wall ya later!


  1. Awesome explanation of the SLJ Toby and a great discussion for your first post. i agree the building of a wall is a ridiculous idea. In the past a wall has caused all kids of hatred - East / West Germany - and splitting of families. He is be a dictator and it is a shame so many American people don't see that.
    Keep up the conversational writing style I like reading it. If you can add any imagery into your posts it would make it more interesting. Keep it up!

  2. Kia ora Toby, I hope you are having a great day!

    My name is Eliza and I’m working as a blog commenter on the Summer Learning Journey this summer. Have you done the Summer Learning Journey before? I’m looking forward to reading your posts and the other bloggers' posts from the Ako Hiko cluster, over the next few weeks! If you want to know more about me, you can check out my blog.

    From reading your post about President Trump’s plan to build a wall between the USA and Mexico, it seems like you have thought deeply about why this is a bad idea. Your opinion on this issue shows you’re aware of how things may affect other people’s lives, and that’s a pretty cool quality to have, especially if you ever want to become a leader!

    I really enjoyed reading your post about the wall and I hope that you will continue blogging with us over the summer. Keep working on the teaser week activities and on the 16th of December you can start the Week 1 activities.

    Have a good rest of your day!

    Eliza :)


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