
Friday, August 16, 2019

Holiday Narratives

Hey there bloggers!
For the last 2 or 3 weeks we have been writing a narrative about our holidays.
I know that doesn't seem very exciting but we got to exaggerate what happened.
For a lot of us exaggerate meant write something that didn't happen at all, such as the ground cracking open or being in a car crash.
We had to pick a bit of our holiday to write about then exaggerate it.
We used all the same people that were there with us on the holiday but different names, for example if your mum was named Susan then your mum might be named Jennifer in your narrative.
My story was based on the time in Malaysia when the GPS told us to turn down a one-way road and when we turned all the other cars were facing us.
Here is a paragraph of my narrative:

My favourite part was probably being able to exaggerate everything because if I wrote what really happened we just backed out of the road, and no one wants to read about that!
Blog ya later!

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