
Friday, October 25, 2019


Hey there bloggers!
I just got back from my Nepal holiday!
We have been doing Futsal as this term's sport.
Futsal (Foot-sol) is indoor Football played on a hard court between two teams of five. We had two coaches, Kingsley and Leon. We played a game where we had to stop the ball with whatever body part they yelled out. If the ball kept rolling then we had to do push-ups or star jumps. Then we got split into even teams and got given a number. The coaches yelled out some numbers and those numbers from both teams had to go and play a match against each other, first one to score wins.
My favourite bit was when we were dribbling around in the first game and one of my friends, Noah was trying to nutmeg (Kick the ball through a persons legs) Leon, one of our coaches. I went up behind him and kicked the ball and the ball actually went through his legs!

Here are some pictures:

Blog u later!!

1 comment:

  1. A cool recount of the Futsal Toby. It will be interesting to learn all the rules and skills of Futsal over the coming weeks. I have never played it before. I have uploaded our photos now too so you could see if any have you and Noah in them.


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