
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SLJ The Real WK1

Hey there bloggers!
Now all the SLJ tasks I have been doing recently were all just teasers, just to get us warmed up.
Today (16th of December) the real SLJ starts!
Day 1's activity is based on explorers.
Mainly based on a explorer named Nainoa Thompson.
In 2013 Nainoa led a crew across the Pacific Ocean in 2 large canoes.

For this activity, make a list of ten food items that you could take with you. Please think carefully about what you will take as you won’t have access to a refrigerator or freezer while at sea. Please explain why you would select each item.
On your blog, post your list of 10 food items you would take on an ocean voyage and the reasons why you chose these items.
if I was on the canoe I would bring food that doesn't go off easily, food liked canned bake beans (With a can opener!). I would also bring lots of fruit and vege as that doesn't go off as fast as meat and other raw foods. I would bring a big metal pot to make a fire in and a smaller metal pot to go into the metal pot. Then I would bring a large amount of cut up fish...
Now here is the master plan. As well as all that food I would bring a fishing rod, and using the cut up fish as bait I would catch fish to cook or eat raw (Credit to for the idea). That way I would have a infinite food resource.
Here is everything in a list:
1. Canned bake beans as you can eat them with out any cooking.
2. Canned Spaghetti as that can also be eaten without any cooking.
3. Nuts like cashews and pistachios that can be eaten easily.
4. Fruit that doesn't bruise easily like apples and oranges.
5. Bait and a fishing rod, if it really comes down to it i'll eat the bait.
6. Vegetables like carrots and corn as you can eat them raw.
7. Candy and lollies just to keep me going when the journey gets boring.
8. Bread in an airtight container so it doesn't go stale.
9. Honey, Jam, Butter and all that other good stuff.
10. Water because it's a essential and no matter what foods you bring your gonna die without water.

Blog ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Tēnā Koe Toby,

    My name is Kueni and I am working as a blog commenter on the Summer Learning Journey team this summer with the Ako Hiko Cluster. I am so excited as it is my first year apart of the programme and I am super stoked to read all of your blog posts along with the other bloggers from the Ako Hiko cluster.

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post about the 10 foods you would take with you on your 3 week voyage with Nainoa. I love that you have included detail in explaining why you would take each of your selected items with you on your voyage. I personally like that you have included to bring a fishing rod and bait (even you joke about eating the bait is awesome!) Kei te pai on adding the link where you got that great idea from too :)

    I look forward to reading more of your blog posts over the summer break!
    If you want to know more about me, you can follow this link

    Nga mihi,


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